Every tramper knows the value of good gear. A well-designed backpack
that distributes the weight to the areas of greatest strength can transform the
experience of a challenging bushwalk.
The changes to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ
ETS) announced
by the government last month will usefully equip the system for the journey
to net-zero domestic emissions. Like a good backpack, they offer a sturdy
framework for distributing mitigation responsibilities and costs across the
economy. However, we still do not know what route lies ahead, what pace we will
set, what provisions will sustain our efforts, and who will carry the heaviest
The government has not altered our path through 2020. What
longer-term changes can we expect to see in the NZ ETS?
A better approach to
unit supply
Of critical importance is the government’s intention to
constrain future unit supply in line with New Zealand’s emission reduction
targets. No such constraint applied in the past and an oversupply of low-cost overseas
units left no incentive to reduce domestic emissions. This constraint will be
achieved in two ways.
First, by 2021 the government will begin auctioning NZUs
under an “overall limit” – essentially a cap. This means that auctioning will help
fill the NZ ETS supply gap and valuable auction revenue will be generated. To
make this happen, the government will need to define an auction limit that
supports our targets and manages fiscal risk.
Second, a quantity limit will apply to future purchasing of
international units by NZ ETS participants, sending a vital long-term signal. Such
purchasing is not possible at present; under the Paris Agreement, transfers of
international emission reductions can only be done between governments. A new
UN market mechanism could open international emissions trading to private
entities but the rules are years away. As discussed in our
recent paper, linking ETS markets is not the only – or likely to be the
best – way for New Zealand to access international emission reductions. Importantly,
any tradable international emission reductions will need to be additional to
the seller countries’ Paris targets, not just business as usual, so both their
quality and prices should be higher than in the past.
Hopefully these decisions will open the door to more
ambitious domestic decarbonisation. The government has reserved its options
here, stating that the limit on international units could be “as small or as
large as needed” – even up to 100 percent of the target gap.
A higher – and
possibly different – price ceiling
Currently participants can meet ETS obligations by paying a
fixed price of NZ$25 per tonne. The government now plans to implement an
alternative price ceiling – but only after auctioning or international linking
is in place. If the price ceiling remains unbound by the auction limit – as is
currently legislated – then triggering the price ceiling could send ETS emissions
hurtling off the intended path.
While delaying changes to the price ceiling aids
participants, it poses a fiscal risk to government. As domestic prices rise toward
$25 in anticipation of auction limits, participants could choose to bank NZUs (which
will continue to rise in value) and meet their obligations using the
fixed-price option instead. This would force the government to compensate by
buying more international emission reductions at unpredictable prices.
At this time, the government has chosen not to implement a
price floor, which would have served as a price safeguard against over-allocation
and guaranteed a minimum return on low-emission investment. California has
successfully demonstrated a price floor in its ETS. We looked at options for a
price floor at auction in our
recent paper and it would be worth reconsidering.
Challenges to balance
the emissions budget fairly across the economy

The Cabinet
paper suggests the target gap will be met through some combination of ETS
emission reductions, net forestry removals, and purchases of international
emission reductions. Future forestry removals are unknown. On one hand, projected
harvesting could have less impact on our target under new accounting rules. On
the other hand, new planting rates will depend on repairing foresters’
confidence in emission prices. Also unknown are the future availability and
prices of international emission reductions.
The government does have further options. It could
incentivise the agriculture sector to help lower the mitigation gap – whether biological
emissions are outside or inside the NZ ETS. It could also choose to phase out industrial
free allocation more quickly. These options would open up more capacity for
government auctioning into the ETS market and/or help to reduce purchasing of
international emission reductions. They are also critical for New Zealand’s
transition to net zero emissions.
More predictable
decision making
The government may take until the end of 2018 to make
decisions on auction volume, international purchase limits and the price
ceiling. It has committed to coordinate future decisions on these issues, announce
settings five years in advance and update them on a rolling basis.
While this coordination is useful, our
recent paper suggests more strategies for improving policy certainty. First
is adding indicative ten-year corridors for future unit supply and price
management, providing a 15-year horizon for NZ ETS participants and
low-emission investors. Second is enlisting independent technical advice (fitting
nicely with current interest in creating an independent Climate Change Commission,
as suggested by the Parliamentary
Commissioner for the Environment and the Zero
Carbon Act movement launched by Generation Zero).
Policy uncertainty is a powerful deterrent for efficient
low-emission investment. The government’s announced changes are crucial to gear
up the NZ ETS for the journey to net zero domestic emissions but they don’t yet
provide for confidence and speed. Choosing a more ambitious NZ ETS track now could
help us to avoid the truly harsh terrain of a rapid economic adjustment to tightening
global emission constraints after 2030.
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